Friday, January 24, 2020

Changing Role of Women in Archie Comics Essay -- Changing Gender Norms

Plan of Investigation The purpose of the essay is to answer the question: How has Archie Comics reflected changing gender norms in the United States of America from World War II to the present of women in contemporary American society, in its eventual challenge of the position of men as the dominant sex, and in its inclusion of previously marginalized sexual orientations? As entertainment primarily targeted to middle-class America, Archie is a helpful avenue by which to understand acceptable views. This paper will present gender roles portrayed in Archie Comics in three different time frames: the Forties, the Sixties, and the new millennium. It will analyze the establishment of traditional gender roles set forth in the earliest Archie Comic strips. Next it will critique the ways in which it responded to the challenges to these traditional norms and assess whether the comic incorporated these challenges or rebuffed them. Finally, this paper will evaluate the role of modern-day Archie Comics as a vanguard i n the new discussion of gender roles and sexual orientation in America. For the purpose of analysis, issues of Archie representative of the era will be examined in conjunction with larger historical developments. These include: the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the post-feminist world following the 1970s, and the rise of LGBT acceptance. Often changes in social norms move at a glacial pace. Particularly difficult in assessing social norms is the definition of what is normative to begin with. For that reason, most historians will look at what artifacts and documents signify popular culture. While these artifacts and documents may reveal what norms existed at a given time, tracking changes in norms relies upon the existence o... ...ItemClick=true&searchText=helen&searchText=mayer&searchText=hacker&searchText=WOMEN&searchText=AS&searchText=A&searchText=MINORITY&searchText=GROUP&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dhelen%2Bmayer%2Bhacker%2BWOMEN%2BAS%2BA%2BMINORITY%2BGROUP%26amp%3Bprq%3Dhelen%2Bmayer%2Bhacker%26amp%3Bhp%3D25%26amp%3Bacc%3Don%26amp%3Bwc%3Don%26amp%3Bfc%3Doff%26amp%3Bso%3Drel%26amp%3Bracc%3Doff. Paul Kupperberg. â€Å"Life With Archie #16.† In Archie The Married Life, 3:23–24, 2012. ———. â€Å"Life With Archie #20.† In Archie The Married Life, 4:20, 2012. ———. â€Å"Life With Archie #22.† In Archie The Married Life, 4:9, 2012. ———. â€Å"Life With Archie #23.† In Archie The Married Life, 4:20, 2012. Universe, Funding. â€Å"Archie Comics Publications, Inc. History.† History Of Archie Comics, n.d. â€Æ'

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Women and Alcohol

One important problem that requires attention in the society is alcoholism.   Through the course of history, it had been noted that alcohol consumption had established prevalent stance in the society, which is mainly in relation to gatherings and social occasions.Most cases of alcoholism are attributed to men rather than women. Limit of alcohol intake, though, defines the social issue on alcoholism. In this fast changing world, even women nowadays are binging in alcohol when there are occasions and during problems and distress. Too much consumption of alcohol leads to alcoholism. When abuse comes in, alcohol then becomes a threat not only to the person himself but to the community as well.Due to the fact that the issue on alcoholism covers every gender of the society both directly and indirectly, problems can be identified at different levels and subgroups.   The issue on alcoholism that threatens the women population is the main focus in this study.   The reasons that were vie wed are in relation to shifting role of the women in the society.   They are now occupying roles of increasing importance.   This issue had generated concern due to more serious effects of alcoholism in women as compared to the male population as ascertained ailments and even death.This paper aims to discuss the effects of alcohol in women as compared to men. A clearer understanding of how the physical, mental and social well being of women were affected by alcohol will be given. Further remedies and solution to the problem will also be tackled.Identifying the components where recovery will be made possible is also given in the end. This includes the alcoholic individuals, their family and social network, the community and other related environment. Achieving health for the whole population is the key towards success and this can be done by overcoming the problem related to alcohol.Alcohol as a threat to the physical, mental and social well-beingMany people nowadays consider alc ohol as an important constant companion during social gatherings. People can be found drinking alcohol whenever there are occasions, parties and even on dates. Women are expected to take more care of themselves rather than men. On the other hand drinking alcohol in a moderate way has been a subject of controversy. This is because the physical and mental health has been put into test due to rampant alcohol drinking.Attaining a physically fit body and a stabilized mind is now difficult for women who drink alcohol. It has numerous disadvantages aside from the temporary enjoyment that they received during socializations. Women are described as the weaker sex and this makes the situation harder as compared to men who are usual alcohol drinkers.Drinking in moderate amounts during special occasions is not exactly harmful.   What actually poses as a problem is the tendency for people to abuse their drinking behavior. Seeking solution to the problem of alcoholism, thus, require the coopera tion of every member of the society due to the fact that it is not only the alcoholics that become the target of the detrimental effects of alcoholism.Alcoholism and its SymptomsAlcoholism is considered as one health problem which has usual symptoms like loss of control, craving, physical dependence and tolerance.Craving manifests in the constant and strong compulsion to drink. More often women wanted to feel a sense of equality with men. This will make their craving towards alcohol be the same with men. It results to loss of control by exhibiting lack of concept of limitation when alcohol is already in front of them.Tolerance on the other hand is the need of the person to drink in bulk to get their groove. Once the physical and mental state is consumed by alcohol, physical dependence leaves the alcoholic with the withdrawal symptoms of sweating, anxiety or nausea if they are not able to drink for a long period.These symptoms are the main reasons that can bring about problems in the family and society.   This is due to the fact that in their search for the probable solution, they tend to consider giving the alcoholics what they are craving for, thus, escalating the problem and intensifying the possible effects.The tendency for men and women to be alcoholic is a genetic trait but there may be differences in the genes and psychosocial disposition involved. This can be related to the differences in not only the physical but also emotional and mental make-up that results into the varying reactions to particular stimulus.The effect of alcohol on women drinker causes great concern due to the fact that it has tremendous effect in the family and in the society as well.   Women have an important role that consist of inculcating values to the family and weaken their role as the model in the family.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How to Organize Your Classroom Files

Its a challenge to think of a profession that involves more paper than teaching. Whether its lesson plans, handouts, flyers from the office, schedules or an infinity of other types of papers, teachers juggle, shuffle, search for, file and pass out enough papers on a daily basis to get any environmentalist up in arms. Invest in a File Cabinet So, how can teachers win the daily battles in this never-ending paper war? Theres only way to win, and thats through down and dirty organization. One of the most important ways to get organized is through a properly categorized and maintained file cabinet. Usually, a file cabinet will come with your classroom. If not, ask the custodian if he or she can find one for you through the district office. The bigger, the better because you will need it. Label the  File Drawers Depending on how many files you have, you can decide the best way to label the file drawers. However, there are two major categories to consider and almost everything fits into them: Curriculum and Management. Curriculum means handouts and information that you use to teach Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Holidays and any other subjects you cover with your students. Management can broadly be defined as things you use to manage your classroom and teaching career. For example, your management files might include discipline, professional development, school-wide programs, classroom jobs, etc. Discard What You Can Now comes the ugly part. Hopefully, youve already been using some type of file folder system, even if they are just stacked in a corner some place. But, if not, youre going to have to sit down with all of the papers you use during teaching and go through them one by one. First of all, look for things that you can throw away. The more you can pare down to the papers you really use, the further you go towards the ultimate goal of true organization. For those papers you need to keep, start organizing them into piles or, better yet, make file folders on the spot, label them, and just put the papers right into their new homes. Be Specific With the Categories You Use For example, if you are organizing your  science materials, dont just make one big Science folder. Take it one step further and make one file for oceans, space, plants, etc. That way, when it comes time to teach your ocean unit, for example, you can just grab that file and have everything you need to photocopy.  Next, use hanging files to place your file folders in a logical sequence.   Maintain Organization Then, take a deep breath - youre essentially organized! The trick, though, is to maintain this level of organization over the long term. Dont forget to file new materials, handouts, and papers as as soon as they come across your desk. Try not to let them linger in a bottomless pile out of sight. This is easy to say and harder to do. But, dig right in and get to work. Being organized feels so good!